Our Community
M'Andryk International School
Our school and pre-school are nurturing environments where children feel welcomed and happy, being brought up in the spirit of exploration, kindness, and mutual respect.
We develop a wholesome individual equipped to handle the fast-paced global nature of the modern world:
  • adaptive, ready for challenges and mastering of all things new;
  • comfortable with teamwork;
  • creative thinker;
  • apt at decision-making, accepting responsibility, dealing with failure and harvesting success;
  • always striving to better their current self.
Our unique for Ukraine learning environment encourages children to preserve their natural curiosity and let it power further personal development. We work for children to genuinely take interest in the learning process, laying ground for them to grow into happy adults.

Any M'Andryk will know:

We are confident in saying that only a HAPPY ADULT can make others around them HAPPY. And it's by this simple value that we are guided when working with children.
Your thoughts and wishes matter
Each child is unique and worthy of individual approach
We believe in you
Each child has talent, wit and a budding personality
We trust you
Child's true potential can only be uncovered in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect
We respect you
We pay attention to each child's individual thoughts and habits
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
Albert Einstein
Why choose M'Andryk?
Happy to learn
Our ultimate goal and value is to make children feel welcome
Frontier teaching methods
We have combined appraised modern methods of Singapore and Israel
Healthy and tasty food
A catering of our own that meets the highest standards of healthy nutrition and accounts for individual needs
We supplement our program with day-to-day knowledge on conscious consuming and balanced nutrition
Our experience
The school is part of a larger M'Andryk Community, which also includes successful M'Andryk eco-kindergartens
Well-rounded education
Aside from aquisation of knowledge, pupils will be developing their emotional intelligence, leadership and communication skills
Parent feedback
"It's a beautiful space (seems kind of wrong to call it a kindergarten) filled with love, creativity and engaging things for children to develop. I think what characterizes the place best is my kid saying on an off-day: "are we going to kindergarten today? Nooooo??? But why?!"
Anastasiia Kosacheva
Chief Operating Officer in
Prizma education company
"Thank You for Your unfailing imagination and creative approach, for warmth and kindness you give our children, for widening the worldview, developing useful skills and for the little ones being in good mood!
We love you!!!"
Iryna Khomovich
"We've been going to this kindergarten since its opening. Modern place, great interior, most importantly - homely environment and staff. Daughter likes it. Happy kid - happy parents. Satisfied all around, would recommend!"
Ievgeniia Dovgal
"We go to kindergarten happily, which is weird, because usually dragging our kid out somewhere in the morning is a tall task. Staff does things right, and the children are feeling it!"
Olesia Buba
Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics
ART: theater, ceramics
Nutrition school
English, Spanish, Chinese and even more
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