Elementary school in Pechers'kyi district
Easy-to-reach location in the city center, 1500 square meters of kids-dedicated environment
Bilingual environment
Learning and communicating in both English and Ukrainian. You can also choose to include one or two other languages in your educational plan
Leading educational techniques
We combined Singapore teaching methods (best suitable for science, math, programming) with democratic educational approach of Israel
Digital equipment
Classrooms are equipped to meet and exceed all the latest standards of educational and digital technologies.
Imbuing young minds with the spirit of innovation

Multi-directional development

Health and creative development
  • Open-air physical activities;
  • Track and field, martial arts;
  • Dance classes;
  • Chess;
  • Music;
  • Quests involving dynamic activities;
  • Healthy, balanced nutrition plan for cafeteria meals;
  • Eco-conscious education promoting the 5 R's: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle.

Learning skills
  • Encouragement of natural curiosity, cultivation of a mindset rooted in perpetual learning and development;
  • Writing and speaking skills;
  • Critical thinking and decision-making;
  • Project creation & management;
  • Selective perception, analysis and interpretation of information;
  • Creative thinking.
Cooperation and communication skills
  • Teamwork, conflict resolution and efficient communication;
  • Emotional intelligence;
  • Leadership skills;
  • Entrepreneurial spirit and initiative;
  • Perceptiveness and respect towards different cultures, social groups and environments.
Analytical and technical thinking & informational competence
  • Data analysis, mathematical thinking;
  • Basics of digital literacy and cybersecurity;
  • Basic programming skills;
  • Familiarity with scientific method, heuristic approach.

What is going on in class?

Structure of educational process. Class activities. Schedule and evaluation system
First half of each day (academic block) is devoted to mastering basic school disciplines and skills. Part of every lesson tasks students with solving discipline-specific problems and exercises individually, behind their desks, as they would in a traditional school. The rest of it, however, is organized in a more flexible, versatile, cooperation-oriented way suggested by the Singapore method.

Throughout the day children find themselves in the presence of two adults: an English-speaking teacher and their assistant. Together the two provide individual approach to pupils; they also combine efforts in mixing and matching different forms of class activity to suit current study subject and group dynamic.

Second half of day is reserved for the project activity block. Each project takes about 1-2 study weeks to complete. Project topics are formed together with children to incorporate their proposals, interests and preferences - with teacher and assistant functioning as moderators. By the end of the year each pupil comprises a portfolio of their own. Not only do children get a say in what topic they will be working on, but they also take turns evaluating and commenting on the work done by their classmates.
By the beginning of 3rd grade, children take over the task of picking out the team scrum master. From there on, «labour division» is done with only the minimal necessary input from adult moderators.

There is no grading system in primary school. But to keep the motivation going, we use kanban-boards. At first the board is overseen and updated by the adults, later pupils overtake that responsibility. Kanban system helps children keep track of their individual achievements - and along the way develop basic time-management skills, ability to set goals and reflect on their completion.
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