Admission period for 1, 2 and 3rd grades of 2022-2023 school year has already started!
Resident psychologist
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School meals
Our cooks prepare a meal the way they would do it for their own children - putting all their skill and experience into it and seasoning each serving with love and good will. We have a catering of our own servicing both the school and kindergartens, so we can always make sure that children are being fed only fresh, high-quality foods.
Our approach
We offer you a custom-made, well-balanced menu developed with preferences and needs of children within different age categories in mind. Our menu includes dishes from various cultures around the world.
Our meals are cooked on an all-new kitchen setup with modern appliances, special steaming and baking options available.
M'Andryk Food is a friendly, well-coordinated collective. Each employee has a rich working experience in nutrition.
We are treating the task of selecting our suppliers and ingredients with the utmost scrutiny. We work exclusively with suppliers verified with certificate of compliance, and only high-quality food ever makes it to our kitchen.
M'Andryk Food delivers meals in specially equipped vehicles, inside refrigerated food containers, keeping food good and fresh regardless of the season.
— Garfield, are you happy?
— No food — no happiness.
From a Garfield comic
We impose strict quality control on all stages of food production: starting from the purchase of supplies from manufacturers, and down to the delivery of cooked meals to kindergartens. By treating our choice of suppliers with scrutiny and exercising regular laboratory tests, we ensure that our food holds up to all the public health and quality standards.
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Here we have gathered answers to your most frequently asked questions
What languages do you teach?
Our school is a bilingual environment, which means that we teach and communicate on a day-to-day basis in both Ukrainian and English. Moreover, children can add one or two additional languages to their personal curriculum - for example, Spanish or Chinese.
Do you offer any extracurriculars?
Yes, we have a wide variety of extracurricular activities to choose from. We will soon put the schedule up on our website.