Our program & techniques
65 % of children now attending primary school will be employed in professions and positions that do not yet exist. Therefore, modern school should strive to develop a person able to take change in stride. To raise children as adaptive and versatile; avoid them developing learned helplessness, rigidity of thought.

That is why we have designed our program by combining teaching methods proven to best handle modern-world challenges.
Singapore methods of classwork organization as implemented by NUS
Academic block (devoted to mastering disciplines) combines New Ukrainian School approach with Singapore method of classwork organization
Project work system modeled after Israeli schools
Project block is based on democratic principle of organization adopted by some of the best schools of Israel
Singapore method:
what does it entail?
Traditional format of school education centers itself around the teacher. Classes usually take form of lectures, force students to compete for teacher's attention, and allow to quiz only a select few per academic hour. It is an emotionally taxing experience that, to make things worse, fails to adequately prepare children for engaging with the world they will be facing as adults. With Singapore school, everything is different.

Dynamic structure of classwork. Teachers have more than 250 forms of in-class activities, called 'structures', which they can freely combine to construct a unique yet tightly organized lesson plan for each topic.

  • This flexibility means that classwork becomes more versatile, and therefore more engaging. It constantly stimulates the mind, keeps everyone in class alert and active;
  • Through learning to work with and within these versatile yet simple and well-defined structures, children are advancing in self-discipline and effective communication;
  • Teacher has the ability to adjust their lesson plan, accounting for current class dynamics.
Communication and cooperation of students lies in the very basis of what makes Singapore method work.

  • Instead of an invariable partner sitting next to the student, they are surrounded by a number of potential study partners and can turn to any one;
  • For rundowns of previously studied material, class is divided into clusters by their level of academic achievements. Within these groups students are encouraged to listen to each other, share their knowledge and thoughts on questions posed before them, value each others strong points and building up the weak ones;
  • Students are encouraged to ask questions and have discussions with the teacher.

During class, everyone is involved: teacher does their best to quiz every student. Combined with frequent group work and constant circulation of study partners, it drives students to develop independent thinking, learn to articulate their thoughts on the spot, and become an active contributor in discussions.

Changing the teacher's role. Instead of acting as 'class police', here teacher acts more as a guide, helping children to navigate the vast terrains of knowledge and their own capabilities. Teacher is no longer the sole source of knowledge in the classroom; information and ideas circulate lively in student circles.

Why the Singapore method?
Among the world's wide variety of educational methods, Singapore stands out with one that best facilitates the development of skills and qualities future graduates will need to fulfill themselves in the age of global informational economy.
High functional literacy
Creative thinking
Dynamic approach to problem-solving
Communication skills and capacity for teamwork
Emotional intelligence
Psychological wellness and conflict resolution skills
Stress endurance, ability to work within imposed limitations
Singapore was ranked 1st and 2nd in the biggest international rating of school education systems, PISA, in all three categories: math, science, and reading.
Singapore method has demonstrated exceptional ability to engage students who usually struggle to keep up with the class.
Israeli approach
Side-by-side with the Singapore method of class organisation, which is driving the part of our program devoted to the mastery of basic disciplines, we also employ the democratic model of project work modeled after Israeli educational practices.

The baseline for Israeli approach is to respect students' autonomy, and from there - to try and evoke in children a genuine interest towards individual learning. Students get to choose and influence all steps of the project: from its topic and format to giving feedback on the work of their classmates. Teachers here act as moderators.

Israeli approach postulates: for students, motivation is the foundation of creativity and success. The more space there is for creative and conceptual freedom, the more stimuli there is for child's curiosity - and the less we risk to force the student-teacher dynamic to become one-sided.

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